Wednesday, March 25, 2009

America as we have known it is dead

DEAD. The oil-based credit-is-good paradigm is over. Do not try to resurrect it, especially with dollars that do not exist. You will only make the future worse, President Obama. Just as when an individual, for whatever reasons, slips into bankruptcy, so should organizations of individuals be allowed to slip into bankruptcy. AIG wants to change its name or already has changed its name, probably to AIU Holdings, after its toxic financial waste unit is separated from the rest of the company. Don't know if it would make sense to, but a special entity for toxic financial waste could be created. Perhaps then computers could identify and classify that waste, and determine how best to eliminate it. Besides, a vast majority of this nation's citizens have on their own chosen saving over borrowing; and a further besides: If we don't immediately begin to reduce the toxins in Earth's atmosphere, the financial mess will be a moot concern, because we will lose our planet, and most likely our lives. 2009-03-26: See and search colin barr truth about credit default swaps - Also: Treasury Secretary Geithner will be apprising Congress today. PM 1:11 -- ----------- Search Geithner March 26, 2009 financial system overhaul or Play Geithner testimony video here. PM 2:00 -- ----------- See this post by Mike Hewitt America's Forgotten War Against the Central Banks on his DollarDaze blog. One sentence from this long insightful post: "The more abundant the money, the lower its value." PM 2:45 -- See DollarDaze by Mike Hewitt ---------- in Unlike List in sidebar. rho00322


brian (baj) salchert said...
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brian (baj) salchert said...

This is on Linh Dinh's blog, but if you happen to read this comment, read
Welcome to Fuffland! by Dmitry Orlov.