Sunday, December 21, 2008

Using money rationally

Last night I said in a comment: - Down with debt addiction. Live simply. Save money. . . . In an email received today, Keith Fitz-Gerald wrote: - "In the next ten years, we will see a return of . . . · Savings and frugality · Personal responsibility: paying bills on time, not living beyond one's means · Risk management as central to investing · Stock market investing as a way to get ahead, not 'place bets' on 'lucky stocks'" Rho00244


William Michaelian said...

Let us hope that for many, withdrawal proves to be an enlightening experience.

brian (baj) salchert said...

Let's hope.

I was forced into withdrawal,
and what I have learned since
is that I would have had a more
fulfilling life if I hadn't
succumbed to living on and over
the fincial edge in the first place.
I could have attained all I sought,
and more, within the meager means
I had.