Thursday, October 30, 2008

extension of breakfast

is in a sentence written by Bill Knott which begins: "Form is never more than an extension of breakfast. . . ." which occurs near the end of his 2008/10/24 post on his blog. Ostensibly about Mallarmé and the word quel that poet had written on a scrap of paper, Mr. Knott's post opens into a serious discussion about poetry. - Over at my Kyphotic Hermit/ I plan to respond to it. I have taken notes. If you read it, read it slowly, and attend the connections and distinctions he makes. Rho00212

two on Warren Buffett

1998: - bonds 2008: - stocks Rho00211

Sunday, October 26, 2008


[ confession interlude: most of my 67+ years I have been an outright fool. ] BUT: 1) Are we heading into a deflationary depression? or 2) Will this only be a recession with inflationary consequences? Over at Seeking Alpha both sides are explored. - Finuked-where-are-the-bunkers? is a question #1 article. I think the EWI Elliott Wave International theorists would agree. See but here is the article. Why-oil-and-gold-are-headed-much-higher is a question #2 article. In reading it you will find out which analysts tend to agree. Here is that article. See also watch-out-crash-gaining-momentum=27746 October 26, 2008 wherein they suggest tomorrow could well be like the Monday following the dark Friday in October of 1987. [ confession interlude: Without going into debt, I could have bought a few shares of BofA then. ] And don't miss this from Karl Denninger. Rho00210

Thursday, October 23, 2008

To Whose Benefit

Today on the blog maintained by Charles Hugh Smith is an article entitled Cui Bono. It is another delving into the Bernanke/Paulson bailout actions. Within his article is a link to an essay entitled Toxic Liabilities Are Not Assets. This essay was written by Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., to answer 2 excellent questions. After it are links to the author's essays on credit default swaps. I have not read those yet. Mr. Smith encourages readers to link to these, but seems to indicate they are for one's personal use. Therefore, I have placed a link at the top of my Not-Ads General section. Rho00209

Friday, October 17, 2008

downward mobile transition time

Here is a link to James Howard Kunstler's "The Nausea Express" article from earlier this week. It is not a rant, and it will be valid for a long time. Change, alas, is not in the wind. It is already here. Still, Mr. Kunstler does not desire to promote despair. He does, however, want us to face reality. The next two years will be telling. --------------------------------------------- See my examining black swan events post. Rho00208

Friday, October 10, 2008

Credit Crisis 2 new topic

The link here is to the second article By Contributing Editor Shah Gilani at Money Morning. On Monday there will be a third article. Yesterday's post was the first article. The title for this one is "Inside the Credit Crisis: How the Fed's Efforts to Lower the Fed Funds Rate May Leave it Powerless to Stop the Financial Meltdown" - federal funds target rate Rho00207

Thursday, October 9, 2008

about commercial paper

from Money Morning: Credit Crisis Update: An Inside Look at the Commercial Paper Debacle By Contributing Editor Shah Gilani - Thursday October 9, 2008 This important article for those who are unfamiliar with what commercial paper is will be followed tomorrow by more information. Rho00206

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

the US dollar speaks

US Dollar Rally Signals a Severe Deflationary Depression Sept. 10, 2008 -- 10:25 PM By Kurt Kasum - ^ v from Market Oracle Rho00204

More humans equals less per

human. ----------------------------------- This post will link to two sites, both of which Linh Dinh linked to earlier today. The Coming Destruction of U.S. Bonds by Charles Hugh Smith October 3, 2008 [ Also read what is below his post. ] [ Noah Cicero often refers to his site. ] Arithmetic, Population and Energy a long speech by Albert Bartlett in transcript form. - I recommend scrolling down to "Well back in 1956, Dr. Hubbert. . . ." and reading from there through to the end before reading what comes before. If you are put off by some of what you read, then you are. Charles Hugh Smith * * * * Dr. Albert Bartlett * Rho00203

NYSE floor traders and poetry

from Money Morning: an article about Wall Street's Specialists By Martin Hutchinson Contributing Editor - human heroes on the trading floor Rho00202

Thursday, October 2, 2008

about US Senate bailout package

from Money Morning: By Contributing Editor Shah Gilani - Why It Won't Work and what needs to be addressed. Rho00201

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

forced exodus from AOL Journals

AOL has suggested, and will help with, moving what I have in their Journals space to here; but I'm not certain. It might be best to keep what is there separate from what is here. Am fearful some of what I have there I will not be able to move to blogspot. There is even the possibility of my once again acquiring a domain name. Meanwhile I may not have the time to update the blogs here during this month. See note in About Me. Rho00200