Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Younger Writers Group Project Note

At the behest of and under the direction of Brandon Scott Gorrell, a group of younger writers which includes Tao Lin and Noah Cicero have each written about another group member and have posted the project's relevant links. See at Noah Cicero's site Shane E. Jones wrote about Jillian Clark, who is 16. At the end of his assignment, he asked her 4 questions. Part of her response to the fourth question is: "i want people to know that i will organize the scrapbooking scene once the blogosphere scene, or whatever this is, dies." Unlike those of us who are older, younger bloggers grew up with computers, and so are more comfortable with them in general. Another speck of knowledge in Jones's post came from a negative review of Clark's poems written by someone not in the group: Clark's style was called post Tao Lin / Miranda July. Jillian explained to the reviewer that as she is only 16 she did not have a style. She simply writes the way she feels, which in her case means/ that if she wants to suddenly change direction in a poem, she does. In my notebook is a list of the participants names and each one's web site. I've added some others too. Not sure, but I may place all of them in my Blog List. Rho00157


William Michaelian said...

Interesting. I grew up on a farm. I use my computer the same way I use a shovel. I think that approach has its advantages. Both are tools. Of course, to a certain degree, technology does effect the way we make art. That’s nothing new. But technology itself does not make art. People make art. And art is as much, if not more, about not saying than saying. It is easy to say, and to say in abundance. It is more difficult to suggest, and even more difficult to listen and then let the silence between words, between images, between experiences, speak. The desire to communicate is urgent and strong; so is the desire to be accepted, recognized, and understood. And yet so much of making art involves just the opposite. Art is a way of life; it isn’t something you do when you’re bored, or until you become interested in something else; art is everything; how can an artist be bored?

Anyway — these are some random thoughts. All of us who are artists, or who think we might be, have something to learn from each other, regardless of our age and place in society.

By the way, I was scrolling through your list of blogs, and noticed that you added one of Didi M’s blogs. Better check the spelling — it should be “Menendez.”

brian (baj) salchert said...

Thank you for catching the spelling
error. Have been having problems
with such errors lately.

The main comment you made would be
(I think) a good one to make over
at K. Silem Mohammad's site
beneath the second of his poetry
and technology posts.

William Michaelian said...

Maybe so; I’m not sure. Either way, the fact remains, the thoughts were inspired by your post and the information and links it contains. But if you or someone else who comes along finds them of any merit, they can of course be quoted, or linked, or referred to in some manner.

colin bassett said...

Brian, thanks for posting about this. I'm glad people thought it was an interesting project.

I lived in Greene County, Missouri for fives years, just moved to St. Louis.

jillian clark said...

hi brian, i just googled myself and came across this. i thought it was funny. thank you for posting about our project.