Friday, July 20, 2007


Although I am neither a professional scientist nor a sci-fi author, I have read books by Carl Sagan and other scientists/ and have watched numerous episodes of both the original and the Next Generation Star Trek; and I have several questions. Is there a planet similar to ours which is much larger than ours and upon which intelligent beings similar to us roam about but who are, accordingly, much larger than we are? Likewise, in this universe in which we abide, is there a planet similar to ours which is much smaller than ours and upon which roam intelligent beings similar to us but who are, accordingly, much smaller than we are? Are there universes we know not of? Are there intelligent life forms we know not of? Does a race of intelligent beings exist for which oxygen and water are not necessities? Does a cosmology of elements totally foreign to the cosmology of elements in and surrounding us exist somewhere? If I recall correctly, Sagan wrote that a neutrino chain of beings who were intelligent would have the highest chance of surviving, unlike us. This brings forth another question: After we pass from our bodies, do we enter a neutrino-like state? I have no idea, but I am raising these queries because they militate (in a peaceful manner) against deleterious ego-centerednesses, and because they healthfully undermine provincial modes of investigating, imagining, pondering. Note: There are ego-centerednesses which are not deleterious. - See directory2007 in Catmap. - Rho00009

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