Monday, July 2, 2007

Herein Lorine Niedecker

numerous pages from offline journals/diaries of mine may appear. I am uncertain, but short essays and the like will. A daily post here is not foreseen, though at least one post per week is foreseen. Most posts will engage literary topics. If it seems I'm a twig adrift, I am. What I show here will be tracings of what has and/or what is occupying my consciousness. I cannot vouch for either the nature or value of them. This blog will be for ruminations, investigations, appreciations, and whatever else. Whether or not a given day's post is of interest/ will have little or nothing to do with me. If states of mind intrigue you, this may be a place you will frequently enter. For several days a poem of five lines by Lorine Niedecker has been a locus of changing shadows. It is transfixed at the top of page 240 of Lorine Niedecker Collected Works where it nonethelsss tranfixes anew with each encounter. Jenny Penberthy is the editor of this book. University of California Press Berkeley Los Angeles London is the publisher of the First paperback printing 2004 copy I received from Tom Montag. This book is © 2002 by the Regents of the University of California. Thanks are due to Cid Corman for its presence. This is the poem: - - - We are what the seas have made us longingly immense the very veery on the fence Why does this poem connect with my spirit? I am an INFP. As much as I am tempted to, I am not going to offer an explication of the poem in this post because I do not want my perceptions to interfere with yours. - See directory2007 in Catmap. - Rho00005

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